Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Another useful tip post forwarded by mom.





step 1: 西瓜對半切開

step 2: 將西瓜橫切面朝下放,然後縱向切段,距離約1英吋

step 3: 再以同樣的距離橫向切段,然後就有不會吃得滿臉都是,也不用怕果汁到處滴的西瓜棒享用啦~



step 1: 石榴對半切,在乾淨碗內裝適量飲用水

step 2: 一手拿著切開的半個石榴,橫切面朝著裝了水的容器

step 3: 用匙羹用力拍打石榴,讓果肉掉進水裡

step 4: 撈起漂浮在水上的薄皮即可大口享用,無需再邊吃邊撥那麼麻煩

And juicing:


step 1:奇異果切頭切尾

step 2:勺子插入奇異果,盡可能貼著果皮,然後旋轉起肉即可。雖然奇異果對半切開再用勺子挖來吃也很方便,但如果是想用來做餐點裝飾,這樣起肉再切片的效果會最美觀哦!(tips:勺子要接近奇異果的大小)


step 1 : 水果切頭切尾(有的柑橘類水果的果皮會比較厚,所以要根據實際情況來切,標準是切到看不到果皮)

step 2 : 選一個切面朝下,豎著切掉果皮

step 3 : 根據果衣的間距來切出成瓣的果肉(這一步最好在碗上進行,切好後可以直接掉入碗內,還可以保存滴下的果汁)


6. 如何快速起出菠蘿(鳳梨)肉

step 1: 菠蘿(鳳梨)去頭去尾,立在砧板上,然後打豎對半切開

step 2: 果肉再對半切開,然後把芯切掉

step 3:再對半切開,然後打豎把果皮削掉

step 4: 最後把果肉段切塊即可



step 1: 先準備好一盆冰水和一鍋沸水

step 2: 桃子末端用刀劃十字

step 3: 把桃子放進沸水裡煮大約35-45秒(要整個桃子都浸入沸水裡頭哦~)

step 4:用漏勺撈出,然後立刻放入冰水中

step 5: 用手撕掉果皮即可



8. 如何完美起出牛油果(酪梨)肉 part 1

step 1: 牛油果(酪梨)握在手裡,用刀沿著牛油果外圍劃一圈

step 2: 用刀劃完一圈之後,雙手握住牛油果扭一扭然後掰開兩半

step 3: 用一把鋒利一點的刀插入牛油果核,卡住後輕輕把核拔出

step 4:在去核的牛油果上縱橫切段

step 5:最後用勺子起出即可

9. 如何完美起出牛油果肉 part 2

step 1:依照剛剛的方法去核,然後把果肉一開四(只需把果肉劃開即可,不需要把皮也切斷)

step 2: 像吃橙子一樣的手勢輕輕地把皮剝掉就可以了


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How to Keep Your Food Fresh for Longer

Got another one from E-mail forwarding. Sometimes they are useful!

Nothing is more wasteful than food that hasn't been eaten and allowed to go bad. It's not only a waste of money but also a waste of good food that in other parts of the world would be worth more than gold. So as to not throw away good money after good food, here are some great tips to help you keep your foods fresh and tasty that much longer.

Apply a little butter to the cut side of a cheese wedge to make sure it doesn't dry out.

Store potatoes with a few apples, this will stop them from sprouting.

As for mushrooms, these you should store in a paper bag, not a plastic one, to keep it fresh.

If you keep milk in the fridge door, it will go bad sooner than if you had put it in the middle of the fridge.

Wrap lettuce in tin foil to keep it fresh and crisp for much longer.

Use, or rather, re-use bottles to close up your plastic bags.

Rinse strawberries in a mixture of 1 part vinegar and 10 parts water. Drain, rinse and put in the fridge for strawberries that will last for 2 weeks longer. Make sure you keep the mixture diluted so you don't taste the vinegar.

Store eggs on the middle shelf of the refrigerator to make them last 3to4 weeks longer than their date of expiration.
To revive old bread, rub an ice cube on it and then bake it for 12 minutes.

If you cook corn kernels in a bowl topped with a plate, it will reduce the number of unpopped kernels.

Tomatoes last longer when stored in room temperature, not in the fridge.

Cheese should be kept in the warmest part of the fridge, such as the vegetable or cheese drawer.

Keep older foods in the front of the fridge so you don't miss out on their expiration date.

Carefully wrap the crown of a batch of bananas with cling film to block the air and extend their shelf life for 3-5 days more.

If you store onions in tights, they'll last up to 8 months longer.

If your fridge smells - clean it immediately. It means that something is rotting in your fridge, and if it stays there it will quickly spread to your new food. If the smell is strong, use disinfectant.